World Heavyweight Championship - Who do you think of?

When I think of the Big Gold Belt, I think of the eras and they were mentioned above. NWA, WCW and WWE eras. In those three era's many legends held the belt such as Bret Hart, Hogan, Flair, Triple H etc. So, I'm going to give 3 answers to this.

NWA Era: Ric Flair. This man epitomized the Big Gold Belt. He held the title 8 times, took it with him to the WWF in 1991 proclaiming himself to be the "real World Heavyweight Champion" (I am aware that was after WCW was created but it was a great moment)and was involved in some of the greatest promos, matches and moments in wrestling history. When you think of the Big Gold Belt during its time in the NWA, Ric Flair is the first man I think of.

WCW Era: Hulk Hogan. During Hogan's time in WCW, he pretty much owned the belt. In his first match in WCW, he won the belt from reigning Champion, Ric Flair at Bash at the Beach 1994 and after that, pretty much held on to the belt holding it in 6 reigns, holding it for 1,177 combined days. Twice as much as Ric Flair who held it for only 507 days combined. But my point is, since Hogan won the belt in 1994, during the WCW era of the Big Gold Belt, Hogan is synonymous with that title. Okay, Nash, Sting, Goldberg, Bret Hart, Sid Vicious, Booker T and not to forget David Arquette and Vince Russo held the belt, but to me during its time in WCW, Hogan is the guy I think of.

WWE: Triple H. Triple H was handed the WWE version of the Big Gold Belt, now known as the World Heavyweight Championship on September 2nd 2002, has had 5 reigns with the belt and held it for a combined total of 616 days. During those reigns he defended it against RVD, Kane, Shawn Michaels, Scott Steiner, Booker T, Kevin Nash, Goldberg, Chris Benoit, Randy Orton, Edge and Batista (I'm sure there are more but can't remember them right now). He has also defended the belt in 2 Elimination Chamber matches, won it in the 3rd Elimination Chamber at New Years Revolution 2005, defended it in Last Man Standing matches, 2 Hell in a Cell matches, Street Fights and many more. He also defended the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 19, 20 and 21 When this belt was given to him, like Hogan, he chased it constanty and was pretty much always in the title picture as a challenger. He is the man I think of when it comes to the Big Gold Belt in WWE.
