Movies starring Liv Tyler

Armageddon Poster Armageddon

Deep Impact has been buried. Godzilla's size didn't matter as much as TriStar hoped it would. Six Days, Seven Nights took about that long to come and go. Now it's time for Bruce Willis to kick asteroid. Recalling the amazing box-office assa...

Cookie's Fortune Poster Cookie's Fortune

Cookie's Fortune deserves to be appreciated on its own terms. A less-ambitious outing from veteran director Robert Altman (at least when compared to movies like Nashville, The Player, and Short Cuts), this movie delivers agreeable performances and...

Dr. T and the Women Poster Dr. T and the Women

Few will deny that Robert Altman is among the greatest working American directors. His best films - M*A*S*H, Nashville, The Player, and Short Cuts - occupy unassailable perches of artistic and creative achievement. With a filmmaker of Altman's ta...

Incredible Hulk, The Poster Incredible Hulk, The

Possible Spoilers: This review reveals some of the cameos in The Incredible Hulk. Those who wish to be surprised by these appearances would do well to stop reading now. For five years, Marvel has been trying to figure out what to do with one of ...

Lord of the Rings, The: The Fellowship of the Ring Poster Lord of the Rings, The: The Fellowship of the Ring

In the pantheon of fantasy writers, no diety is treated with greater reverence than J.R.R. Tolkien, who is regarded by most readers as the Father of Modern Fantasy. During the past three decades, the fantasy area in bookstores has expanded from a ...

Lord of the Rings, The: The Return of the King Poster Lord of the Rings, The: The Return of the King

According to the calendar, Christmas is December 25. According to the movie release schedule, it's December 17. There can be no greater gift for a movie lover than the one bestowed upon audiences by Peter Jackson, whose The Lord of the Rings: Th...

Reign over Me Poster Reign over Me

Reign Over Me has the best of intentions but, despite its desire to show how the perseverance of a good man can produce profound results, it bungles the attempt. This is a shameless and clumsy tearjerker - a film that inadvertently comes across as...

Stealing Beauty Poster Stealing Beauty

What do you call a character study with shallow, sketchily-drawn characters, but a gorgeous setting? A scenery study, perhaps. Or an atmosphere study. Either would be appropriate for Stealing Beauty, a stylish, sensual motion picture that's holl...

Strangers, The Poster Strangers, The

We tend to think of our homes as places of safety and refuge. The illusory nature of such a belief is quickly dispelled in Bryan Bertino's debut feature, The Strangers. A chilling horror film about a home invasion, this movie doesn't break any ne...

Wildling Poster Wildling

Wildling starts out strongly but the qualities that make the first 20 minutes engrossing and harrowing drain away and the movie morphs into a thoroughly unsatisfying excursion into fantasy-tinged horror. As directed by first time feature film...
