What is the worst finisher in WWE history?

a move that looks like it hurts the wrestler who is on offense equally or more is the bottom line here... like when Chris Jericho used the codebreaker... i wouldn't mind as much if he took a page from a man who does something which may BE the most under-rated in ring action ever.. when RVD hits his 5 star frog splash he always sells the toll it took on his body... LOVE IT... ne one hitting the codebreaker, or the backstabber, or big e's jumping and landing on his back!!.. they should atleast spend one second and add the selling facials since they took a toll on their bodies with it...

BTW warrior's splash looked awesome... haters. and alberto needs to spend some strike training, all of his strikes look so weak, and he does NOT need to slap his leg on every kick or boot.. i dont mean to go off topic cause i recall ADR using the superkick to sum1 on his knees a few times, not sure if he ever won with it..

DOLPH ZIGGLER should have been passed down the superkick, the uso's could adjust and just use raymond rogeau's kick instead !!! seriously dolph is uber athletic, the fame ass er looks cool but the zig zag again looks way too harsh on his own body and ziggy doesnt even sell it a bit.... come on bro, atleast hold the back of ur head for 1 sec!~

now a DDT should imo always be a finisher, very rarely should anyone kick out of it, or in a tag match the partner can Break the pin... that move is simple and should be able to keep anyone down for 3 seconds, especially the way dolph always does it lately with a huge jump,

i know i was at WM18 i cringed watching rock hit the elbow..but atleast it was over.. the mandible claw was actually badd ass imo... so was the heart punch with the locking of a guys arm behing his head...

now dino bravo using a side slam..?, or when HBK 1st turned heel i believe he used a modified belly to back suplex with hooking the arm (teardrop suplex)

i think every wrestler should have a signature or finisher that is a submission move in their arsenal.. plus more pins, i love how bret used to win so many matches with a pin variation...it makes it seem real.. like he is just trying to get ur shoulders to the mat for 3 seconds, not DEMOLISH you!!!....

i wanna see more pin attempts in matches.

and santino did a good job making us laugh, but he has so much ability, i wish he would become serious, but i know he is content making 600 grand a year and not getting hurt or barely sore... where as guys like bryan and cesaro will be in ice baths , ARE in ice baths...

i miss the SLEEPER!!
